NEW AUTUMN Couch to 5k starts 10 september

A Chorlton Runners logo and a Couch to 5K logo and the words: Chorlton Runners Couch to 5K starting Sunday 5 September 9am at the Bowling Green Pub

Chorlton Runners launches its latest Couch to 5K course on Sunday 10 September 2023 at 9am.

The C25K course is great if you are brand new to running or returning after a break or an injury.

The Chorlton Runners Couch to 5k programme follows the NHS app and unlike many other C25K courses is completely free. 

There will be two runs each week one at 9am on Sundays and one starting from the Bowling Green Pub in Chorlton on Tuesday evenings at 6:45pm. In addition you’ll be encouraged to do a homework run once a week on your own.

You don’t need to be a member of Chorlton Runners to take part in our Couch to 5K course, but we hope once you graduate you’ll go on to join the club. We hold weekly progression group runs so you can continue to develop your running.

We’re really looking forward to welcoming back Chorlton Runners who might have had some time out and be ready to get back into running.

We also welcome new people who want to start running.

Over 9 weeks we’ll help you to build up your running gradually starting with just one minute of running at a time and building up to running a full 5k.

The group will be led by Paul Adams. 

Please share details about the new group to family and friends. 

The group will run for 9 weeks with a graduatation run at a local ParkRun at the end.

There’s more information about what it involves on our C25K page.

If you’d like any more information, please contact


Couch to 5k graduates brave the rain to smash their 5ks